Homberg Chiropractic & Wellness

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You Are What You Eat

FoodWe’ve heard it since we were little kids, "You are what you eat." That was not just a gimmick by your parents to try to get you to eat your vegetables. Research has found that what we put in our gut, has a lot to do with our overall health, including our brain health!We have flora in our gut, both good and bad. The goal is to keep the bad out and get more good flora in. For that, it’s a wise idea to take a quality probiotic. The ones that you will find in the refrigerated section of grocery stores are usually the best.Our gut flora is constantly under attack from our diet and the environment. If the gut flora is thrown out of balance many illnesses, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s and Multiple Sclerosis, can occur.The best way to benefit your gut flora is through your diet. A good place to start is by reducing grains and sugar, and avoiding genetically engineered ingredients and processed foods. Grains containing gluten are particularly damaging to your microflora and overall health. A gut-healthy diet is one rich in whole, unprocessed and unsweetened foods. Chlorine in our tap water also kills pathogenic bacteria in the water and beneficial bacteria in your gut.This is a fascinating subject, one that I cannot even begin to address in this blog. Try looking it up online one day to read more about it; and remember, "We really are what we eat."