Homberg Chiropractic & Wellness

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Vitamins Aren't All Created Equal

VitaminsYes, we sell vitamins at Homberg Chiropractic and yes, we’d like for you to buy them from us. If you choose not to, that’s fine too, but if you choose not to, please do not tell me ‘well, I take a multi-vitamin from (fill in the blank store).’First and foremost, the vitamins we get from eating healthy foods are the best for us. However, everyday life sometimes gets between us and a strict healthy diet. That is why we need supplements, but not just any supplements. Sure, they are cheaper at the big box stores, but let’s remember the old saying ‘you get what you pay for.’Vitamins you buy at discount or grocery stories are often filled with everything other than what you need. Most mass-market vitamins actually contain chemicals that the Environmental Protection Agency banned from public drinking water at certain levels.According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than 50 percent of the U.S. population takes some form of nutritional supplement each day, and 40 percent of adults take a daily multi-vitamin. However, the rates of chronic diseases continue to increase among our population.Part of the reason could be that many people believe that a vitamin is a vitamin, and one form of a mineral is equal to any other. They fail to understand the differences between synthetic chemicals and whole food nutrients. Just because the packaging lists all-natural ingredients, doesn’t mean the product contains them.As I mentioned earlier, the best vitamin is a healthy, whole foods diet. However, it never hurts to supplement that with vitamins that our body tends to lack such as vitamin D, magnesium and fish oil. Just be sure to pay close attention to the labels when you are buying them.