Homberg Chiropractic & Wellness

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Routine Maintenance is Important

From the time we are young, we are taught to brush three times a day, floss and we faithfully visit the dentist every six months. Have you ever heard anyone say “Once you go to the dentist, they just want you to keep coming the rest of your life.”You might not be able to see your spine, but it requires maintenance just as your teeth do. Think about what you put your spine through, many of you sit all day in poorly designed chairs at poorly designed work stations; you put your spine through repetitive motions each day and all of this adds up to stress on your spine. Your spine, and the nervous system it protects, is being constantly assaulted by the way we live our busy lives.Just as you visit your dentist, your eye doctor or even your barber for routine maintenance, you should visit your chiropractor for similar routine maintenance. Regular visits can keep your spine in optimum condition and help keep your nervous system functioning at its peak.