Homberg Chiropractic & Wellness

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Immune Boosters

We’ve seen a number of patients recently who are struggling with sinus issues or others who have to call to cancel and appointment because they are at home with a sick child. East Tennessee pollen + spreading germs = sickness! And don’t forget, flu season is right around the corner.The key is to keep your immune systems strong enough to defend against these illnesses.

  • Make sure you are taking a quality vitamin D supplement and an elderberry supplement helps as well.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. Stay away from foods that cause inflammation in your body. An inflamed body is a body ready and waiting to become sick! These foods include sugar, processed foods, white potatoes and grains.
  • Keep your sinuses moist. Rinse sinuses out morning and night with a saline rinse. Running a humidifier in your house, especially in the bedroom, will also help keep your sinuses moist.
  • Exercise! Even when it gets colder outside, bundle up and get out to take a walk.
  • Wash your hands with good old soap and water. Avoid using the anti-bacterial soaps, they only build your resistance to germs.
  • Get enough rest. With kids going back to school or family coming to the visit for the holidays, our sleep schedules can change. Try to make sure you and your family are getting enough rest – 7 to 8 hours – each night.

Stay healthy!