Homberg Chiropractic & Wellness

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Flatback Syndrome

At Homberg Chiropractic and Wellness - your Knoxville chiropractor - we are seeing more and more cases of Flatback Syndrome. Do you have Flatback Syndrome?

I’ve mentioned before that our spines have natural curvatures. Think of it as an S shape. The lumbar (lower) spine has a lordosis or inward curve. The thoracic (middle) spine has a kyphosis or outward curve, and the cervical spine (neck) has a lordosis. These curves normally balance out each other so that when the patient stands they are well balanced with their head straight above their hips when viewed from the side. Standing in this position minimizes the effect of gravity and allows the patient to stand with the best posture and use the least energy when moving or walking.

However, due to increased computer time, workstations that are not set up correctly, trauma and repetitive motions, people are gradually losing the curve in their spines, leading to what is known as Flatback Syndrome. Flatback syndrome is an abnormal condition where the spine loses its natural low back curve to become flat. As such, Flatback Syndrome can occur as a result of any condition that shortens the front portion of the spine, causing the patient to lean forward.

In patients with Flatback Syndrome, a loss of normal lumbar curvature causes an imbalance of the spine. The patient’s head begins to lean forward, away from the body and they may have trouble standing upright. This imbalance can cause muscle fatigue and pain.

Signs and symptoms include pain and stiffness that seems to not be associated with a particular event, difficulty as the day goes on and migrating pain that hurts in one place, then another, then another. Flatback syndrome often looks like garden variety neck and back pain but is worse. It is treatable, especially early in the progression. The syndrome leads to pain, altered nerve flow to the hands, arms, legs and organs in the body. This can result in permanent damage if not properly treated.

What Can You Do?

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, schedule an appointment at Homberg Chiropractic. We conduct an extensive posture analysis using x-rays and a posture screening computer program.

Can Flatback Syndrome Be Treated?

Yes, using Chiropractic Biophysics - the only proven technique to restore lordotic, sometimes referred to as sagittal curves - we actually restore the spine to the original structure. Biophysics looks at total spinal rehabilitation and posture to address disease and organ dysfunction, and not just the pain. Research points to chiropractic biophysics as being the most results-oriented and effective chiropractic technique. Unlike many physical therapists and even other chiropractors, we prove the results with our posture screening program and x-rays. Our process can actually show you what the correction potential is before we begin. Our entire staff has received extensive professional development in the area of Chiropractic Biophysics.

Call Homberg Chiropractic and Wellness today to schedule an appointment for an evaluation.