Homberg Chiropractic & Wellness

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Many health articles you read these days mention the benefits of fasting. Fasting can help with weight loss and help with the prevention of heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and some neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s). However, I’ve heard many of you say “I can’t go without eating for…” 

At Homberg Chiropractic, after much research, we’ve found a fast that allows you to eat yet gives you the benefits of intermittent and short-term fasting. It might sound too good to be true, but this system really works. Ask members of our staff who’ve used the system and seen benefits. In chiropractic, we look at the entire body and that includes the inside of the body from the gut to the cells. 

I became familiar with Prolon from a friend who used it and saw an overall improvement in his health. ProLon FMD is a five-day fast that includes plant-based foods that you eat during those five days. The foods are formulated to put your body in a fasting state, even though you are eating. During fasting your body starts getting rid of old cells while generating new, fresh cells. 

With the first box of food (think, small box), your body enters a fasting state, day two helps your body to the fat-burning state, on day three your body reaches a state of ketosis, on day four the cell cleaning and fat burning continues and on day five the fast is complete. That doesn’t mean you should then drive into a big cheeseburger. You should come out of the fast and eat what we should all be eating anyway, lean meat, fruits and vegetables. 

You should not do another ProLon fast for at least 25 days. If you are healthy, don’t wish to lose weight and want to use ProLon for cell recycling you might only need to use it once a year. For those wanting to lose weight and get healthier, you can use it more than once a year, as long as you take a 25-day break between fasts.

ProLon is a “fasting-mimicking” diet. It gives you the benefits of fasting without the hunger. Don’t get the impression that you’ll have massive amounts of food with ProLon, but I will tell you that the soups, crackers, teas and nutrition bars you receive in each box are very good. 

If you are interested in finding out more, ask us the next time you are in the office!