Homberg Chiropractic & Wellness

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Homberg Chiropractic Helps Solve Kids' Constipation

Many parents tend to bring their constipated children to Homberg Chiropractic, your Knoxville chiropractor. Homberg Chiropractic can help solve your child’s constipation issues!

I see many families who come in with an infant begging, “please help us, my child hasn’t pooped in two weeks.” And the relief I hear in their voices later that day (when they call to excitedly thank me) is wonderful. When taking care of a new baby, you follow their bowel movements so closely, and you notice every tiny struggle. But something happens after the diapers come off, when the babies turn to children. Somehow parents miss the constipation until it turns in to chronic stomach aches, backaches, crying, and debilitating pain. By this point, parents are reaching for any over-the-counter option they can find – suppositories, laxatives or whatever looks promising… but turning to chiropractic is a much safer option.

Research shows that between 5 to 28 percent of children today suffer from chronic constipation. These children worsen the cycle by fearing to go when the feeling arises due to the pain. But regular chiropractic care can help.

A chiropractor finds the subluxations – think ‘energy blockers’ – within the body. These blockages prevent the nervous system from completing its job of firing neurons to their destination in a timely manner. Because the nervous system controls everything within the body, this can be detrimental, and can surely affect the gastrointestinal track. Typically, patients suffering from constipation, including children, are found to have subluxations through the center and lower portions of the spine. These areas are linked to the colon and intestines, and a subluxation within this area causes inflammation, which can trigger constipation. A gentle chiropractic adjustment can be enough to allow for easy bowel movements again.

It’s important to note that chiropractic care is not a one-time-fix. Regular visits are needed to maintain proper alignment within the body. This, combined with a diet void of dairy, processed foods, and high in protein, fiber, and whole foods may be enough to keep a child using the bathroom regularly.

Call your Knoxville chiropractor at Homberg Chiropractic to let us help with your child’s constipation issues.