Homberg Chiropractic & Wellness

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Headache? Call Homberg Chiropractic and Wellness

Many of the causes of headaches can be treated conservatively by chiropractic.

Studies show that nine out of 10 Americans suffer from headaches. Headaches come in several forms including classic migraine, common migraine, cluster, tension, sinus and cervicogenic (caused by another issue), to name a few. Many chronic headache sufferers actually experience more than one type of headache.

Each has its own set of signs, symptoms and patterns. Headaches can be caused by pain sensitive structures inside the head (intracranial) or outside the head (extracranial). The majority are caused by extracranial, which can include irritation to spinal nerves in the neck, tight muscles of the head and neck, TMJ (jaw problems), ear aches, dehydration or eye problems. So before you open the medicine cabinet, call Homberg Chiropractic and Wellness.

A complete chiropractic exam and evaluation can determine what type of headache, the likely cause of the headache and the best treatment available. When evaluating for headaches, it is important to note patterns such as time of day your headache occurs and how it relates to your sleeping and eating habits. Your diet can be an important clue to the cause. Hormonal patterns can help with an accurate diagnosis, as can your daily stressors, especially your posture at work or while sleeping. Knowing the underlying cause of the problem and how to deal with it is the first step in finding relief.

Chiropractic treatment of headaches generally focuses on the spinal nerves of the cervical spine (neck), the muscles of the neck and head area and the way these interact with one another. Postural changes of the neck and changes in the surrounding muscles play a partial role in almost every type of headache. Chiropractic adjustments relieve pressure on spinal nerves, along with soft tissue techniques they can often correct underlying problems. Relaxing muscles, decreasing trigger points and increasing blood flow relieve associated symptoms.

Many people suffer monthly, weekly or even daily with debilitating headaches with little or no relief for no reason at all. Through correlation of symptoms, symptom patterns, history and physical findings, we can make an accurate diagnosis and set in motion an appropriate treatment. Chiropractic adjustments along with some lifestyle changes such as diet, posture and exercise may be all that is needed to eliminate headaches.